วันจันทร์ที่ 9 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Camera Lens

The lens of the camera captures light from the object and it leads to a focus on film or detector. Design and manufacture of the lens is of crucial importance for the quality of the picture is taken. The technological revolution in camera design in the 18th century revolution optical glass lens design and manufacturing of great benefit to modern lenses produce a wide range of optical instruments of reading glasses for microscopes. Pioneers included Zeiss and Leitz.


Optical properties of photographic lenses, only objects within a limited range of distance from the camera are clearly shown. The process of adapting this series is known as changing the focus of the camera. There are several ways of focusing a camera accurately. The simplest cameras are fixed and use a small aperture and wide angle at all within a certain range of distance of the lens, usually around 3 meters (10 feet) to infinity, is in reasonable focus. Fixed focus cameras are usually cheap species as well as one-use cameras. The camera may be limited focusing range or scale-focus that is indicated in the camera body. The user will guess or calculate the distance to the object and adjust the focus accordingly. On some cameras this is indicated by symbols (head and shoulders facing two people, a tree, mountain).

Rangefinder cameras allow the distance to objects to be measured by the combined parallax unit on top of the camera, allowing accurate focus. Single-Lens Reflex cameras allow the photographer to determine the composition of visual focus and lens and to move back to project an image of ground glass or plastic micro-prism screen. Twin-lens reflex cameras use the lens and focus lens unit (usually coincides with the lens.) In the parallel structure of the composition and focusing. View cameras use the ground glass screen which is removed and replaced by either a photographic plate or a reusable holder sheet film before exposure. Modern cameras often offer autofocus systems to focus the camera automatically by a variety of methods, such as fishing.

Exposure control

The mesh size and brightness of the scene control the amount of light into the camera over a period of time, and the shutter controls the time light strikes the recording surface. Similar progress can be made with a larger aperture and shutter speed or smaller aperture and with a slow shutter.


Although a range of different shutter speeds are devices used during the development of the camera only two are widely used and still in use.

The Authority operates the prison plane closer to the plane of the film may consist of cloth and curtains, which are composed of the film plane, with carefully defined the difference between the two curtains or part of a series of metal plates vertically or horizontal movement of the film plan. As the curtains or blinds are moving at a constant speed, exposing the entire film plane is much longer than the exposure time. Example, exposure of 1 / 1000 seconds can be achieved from prison curtains move the entire film plane in 1/50th of a second, but both curtains separated by only 1/20th of the frame width. When shooting fast moving objects, using a focal plane shutter produces some unexpected effects. Focal plane shutters are also difficult to synchronize with electronic flash and it is often only possible to use flash at shutter speeds below 1/60th seconds, although some modern cameras and quickly 1/100second /

In Copal shutter or more precisely in the lens shutter is closed, contained in the lens structure, often near the diaphragm, consisting of a number of metal sheets which are operated by spring tension, which can then be opened and closed when released from prison. Exposure time is determined by the interval between the opening and closing. This prison design, the entire film frame is exposed at once. This makes flash sync much easier if you just flash fire when the shutter is fully open. The disadvantage of these flaps is their inability to produce fast, reliable shutter speeds and the extra cost and weight of the shutter mechanism of each lens to take.

Medium format camera

Medium format camera film negative size is somewhere in the middle of a large camera and a smaller 35 mm format cameras. Typically, these systems use 120 - or 220-film. The most common sizes are 6x4.5 cm, 6x6 cm and 6x7 cm. The design of this camera type shows greater variation than their larger brethren. Monorail systems ranging from classical through Hasselblad model with separate backs of smaller rangefinder cameras. There is even an amateur and compact cameras available in this format.

Folding camera

Introducing the film projects for existing plate cameras are much smaller and the plate are hinged so that it can be folded to compress the bellows. These projects are very compact and small models were called Vest Pocket cameras.

Box cameras

Box cameraswere introduced as a budget-level camera and had little or no control. In the original Box Brownie models are less reflex finder mounted on the top of the camera and had mesh or checks and focuses only simple imprisonment. Later models like the 127 Brownie greater direct vision optical viewfinder with a tortuous road movie help

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 8 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Rangefinder camera

As technology developed camera and lens and wide aperture lenses became more common rangefinder cameras were introduced to focus more accurately. Range finder searcher had two separate windows of which one is related to attention mechanisms and moved right or left when the focus ring was changed. In two separate images were combined in a glass display area. If vertical lines in the facility were shot just met in the combined image, the goal was at the center of attention. A typical composition viewfinder is also provided.

Single-lens reflex

In a reflex camera lens of photographer see the scene through the lens of the camera. This avoids the problems of parallax, which occurs when viewing the lens or viewfinder is separate from the taking lens. Single-Lens Reflex cameras are made in various formats, including 220/120 and 8, 12 or 16 pictures of roll 120 and twice the number of the film 220. This corresponds to a 6x9, 6x6 and 6x4.5, respectively (all dimensions in cm). A leading manufacturer of large format SLR include Hasselblad, Mamiya, Bronica and Pentax. However, the most common form of SLR cameras is 35 mm and then the migration to digital SLR cameras, with almost identical size bodies, and sometimes with the same lens system.

Nearly all appeared before the SLR uses a mirror in the optical path to direct light through the lens of the viewing screen and pentaprism the eyepiece. During the exposure of the mirror flipped the light off in the prison for the opening. Some early cameras experimenting different methods for viewing through the prism of security, including the use of semi-transparent film in both the Canon Pellix and other small periscope as a series Corfield Periflex

Twin-lens reflex

Twin-lens reflex camera's gebruik gemaakt van een paar van bijna identieke lenzen, een naar de vorm en in een beeld als een zoeker. De lens werden ingericht met het bekijken lens direct boven het nemen lens. De lens projecten bekijken van een afbeelding op een beeldscherm die kan worden gezien van bovenaf. Sommige fabrikanten, zoals Mamiya ook een reflex hoofd te bevestigen en het scherm om alle camera worden gehouden voor het oog wanneer in gebruik is. Het voordeel van een TLR was dat zij gemakkelijk kunnen worden toegespitst gebruik en het scherm en dat onder de meeste omstandigheden het standpunt gezien in en het scherm is identiek aan die vastgelegd op film. In nauwe afstanden echter parallax fouten zijn opgetreden en een aantal camera's ook een indicator om welk deel van de samenstelling show zou worden uitgesloten.

Sommige TLR was verwisselbare lenzen, maar als deze moesten worden gekoppeld lenzen ze waren relatief zwaar en hebben niet het bereik van de brandpuntsafstanden dat de SLR kan ondersteunen. Hoewel de meeste TLR's gebruikt 120 of 220 film gebruikt een 127 film.

Cine camera

A cine camera or film camera is a kind of photographic cameras, a rapid series of images of the film strips. Unlike the camera, one a snapshot in time capture, cine camera takes a series of images, each a "framework" through the use of an intermittent mechanism. The frames are later displayed in a cine projector speed, called the "frame rate (frames per second). While viewing the eyes of the person and the brains to different images together to create the illusion of movement. The first cine camera was built around 1888 and 1890 from various types were produced. The standard size film cine cameras were soon a 35 millimeter film, and it remains in use today. Other professional standard sizes are 70 mm film and 16 mm amateur film makers have used the 9.5 mm film, 8 mm film or Super 8 and Standard 8, before the transition to digital format. Size and complexity of the cine-cameras vary widely depending on the applications by the camera. Some professional equipment is very large and heavy to be hand held by a number of amateur cameras are designed for small and light as possible, making a hand.

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